NOTE: This is dated February 2023. Please see more recent posts for current updated information.
• the Cemetery is on land that has Indigenous significance and history for over 3000 years
• the land for the Cemetery was given to the Anglican Church by the Georgeson family in 1928.
• the operation of the Cemetery is regulated by the Interment, Cremation and Cemeteries Act of BC, and is licensed by Consumer Protection BC
• much of the Cemetery land is protected by the BC Heritage Conservation Act (1996)
• additional land adjacent to the original Cemetery was purchased in 2016 and is licensed and consecrated as part of the Cemetery as a whole. This land is referred to as the Ralph and Clara Stevens Memorial Addition. It remains as yet undeveloped.
• the Cemetery Committee which oversees the day to day work involving the Cemetery is now comprised of Rosemary Georgeson, Jeannine Georgeson, Larry Baines, Diane Cragg, Helen Russell, Phillip Grehan and Rev’d Sarah Tweedale.
• erosion along the cliffside and shoreline as well as throughout the cemetery continues to present a challenge particularly with ocean rise and heavy rains from climate change
• dogs are not permitted in the Cemetery
• in February 2023 the Lych Gate was repaired. It provides a picturesque and beautiful entry to the Cemetery.
• there is still damage from the November 2019 windstorm needing repair; many large trees fell in that storm.
When will the delay of interments be over?
The process we have undertaken, with the direction of the October 2021 Consultation Group[1], requires first, the permit from the BC Archaeology Branch, then the work of the archaeologist to complete the requested Ground Penetrating Radar work, and analysis of the Ralph and Clara Stevens Memorial Addition. When the Archaeological work is completed, and the information requested for a further ‘walk through’ by Penelakut Elder Augie Sylvester, and Harold Joe, Cultural Advisor, then the Cemetery Committee can begin to discuss and plan how to best proceed. The October 2021 group broadly represented the Indigenous families of Galiano (see attendee list in footnote).
Why have some burials / interments been allowed to proceed during this delay?
There have been no interments or burials during the delay that began in late February 2020. The last interment was in early February 2020.
There have been some new grave stones and markers added recently. Why?
Some markers have been installed fairly recently, on gravesites which were previously not marked, or only marked with a temporary marker. The installation of markers in each case was approved by the Cemetery Committee, and did not involve disturbance of ground.
Is there a restriction on the size and nature of grave markers?
Yes, there is now a restriction on the size and height of grave markers. These must be no greater than 22” x 18” and no more than 8” high. Any placement of markers in the Cemetery must be approved by the Cemetery Committee, and installation supervised by Cemetery Committee member or their designate.
Who can be buried in the Cemetery?
The Cemetery is intended for the people of Galiano Island. We have not in the past required proof of residency, but given the limitations of space in the Cemetery, it is appropriate for us to limit approval of Interments to those who have lived on Galiano Island. This requirement may be interpreted broadly, so as to allow for care for unique needs. NOTE: Changes to interment policies have been made: see August 2023 for alternative arrangements. There will be no further interments.
How much does it cost?
The original agreement when the Cemetery land was donated stipulated no cost for burial in the Galiano Cemetery. We welcome donations for Cemetery upkeep, as we are required to care for the Cemetery in perpetuity. Those donations are tax receiptable. NOTE: Changes to interment policies have been made: see August 2023 for alternative arrangements. There will be no further interments.
Can I pre-purchase a spot in the Cemetery?
No, we do not pre-sell spots in the Cemetery. NOTE: Changes to interment policies have been made: see August 2023 for alternative arrangements. There will be no further interments.
Is there a map of the Cemetery?
Yes. All interment sites are identified on a map. And the site itself is surveyed and mapped. We hope to have further GPS accurate mapping available online.
How do I find a grave that I know is in the Cemetery?
Click here to access this information:
Where can I find more information about the Cemetery?
Please email us at if you have further questions.